Allo Protocol: A general protocol for the efficient allocation of capital

Allo Protocol is a set of smart contracts that enable the democratic allocation and distribution of capital. The protocol was developed by Gitcoin (opens in a new tab) to power the Grants Stack, but is useful beyond grants and quadratic funding (opens in a new tab).

Why a Protocol for Capital Allocation?

Web3 has provided an incredible set of tools for forming capital. But the processes controlling the flow of a treasury, fund pool, or some other capital is too often heavily manual, and friction filled. We have the technology to do better.

Allo gives communities a toolset to experiment with capital allocation. Pick a mechanism (like Quadratic Funding (opens in a new tab)), eligibility criteria for projects and voters, and a way to distribute the capital (lump sum, milestone-based payments, etc).

We charge communities to ask - "If our funding mechanism could look like anything, what would we want?"

Allo sample use cases

Learning More

You can use this documentation to get an overview of the protocol. We also welcome contributions, and would love to get you involved. Finally, you can head to @alloprotocol (opens in a new tab) to keep up with protocol releases.


Current Status

Allo v2 is live on mainnets (supported networks (opens in a new tab)).

Allo 2.1 is in preview on Sepolia (address (opens in a new tab)).

Allo Protocol vs Grants Stack

In addition to Allo Protocol, Gitcoin has built platforms to utilize it such as Grants Stack (opens in a new tab).

Allo Protocol is for building applications with novel capital allocation mechanisms, like quadratic funding. The protocol contains a registry of recipients (Project Registry (opens in a new tab)), a way to create pools of capital (Pools (opens in a new tab)), and a strategy for allocating that pool of capital (Allocation Strategy (opens in a new tab)). Anyone building custom tools for communities to allocate capital or for projects to receive capital should use Allo.

The Grants Stack (opens in a new tab) is a product layer built on Allo for operating grants programs. It powers fully-featured self-serve funding rounds utilizing a variety of mechanisms (opens in a new tab).

Next Steps

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